Monday, June 6, 2011

Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise ~ PUPO

That's excactly what I am right now. We had our embryo transfer to day and while everything went smoothly, I can't help but be dissapointed in this cycle. We got more eggs this time than last time 18 versus 17, but only 7 were mature this time versus 10 last time. This time we did get all seven to fertilize, but we had 8 last time. Last cycle all of our blastocysts were 4AB's at least. We were able to transfer 2, and freeze 5. This time our best were two 4AC's and while they are all still being watched, Dr. T thinks that 3 of the remaining 5 from this cycle won't make it to freeze. I am dissapointed to say the least.

The transfer went really well. We got the same dumb tech we got last time but luckily the wand was taken from her early on in the procedure. Just like last time I didn't have a full enough bladder when I got there, and they forced me to drink more. Also just like last time I had to use the bed pan as soon as they were done. The really neat thing about this time though, was that we were able to see the blastocysts shoot out of the catheter (sp) and be released into my uterus. I don't recall seeing that last time.

I have been home all afternoon resting and laying on my back. I am actually starting to get pretty sore. I really hope this works this time because I don't know how much more of this I can take. We have decided that we are going to test on my birthday (7dp5dt). That will either be my best birthday ever, or my worst birthday ever. I guess time will only tell. My beta isn't till the 17th, but if my HPT comes back positive I'm just going to go in and get it done early. I am scared shitless, but I'm really going to try not to think about it. I just pray that these are our sticky take home babies.

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