Friday, February 28, 2014

28 Weeks - Welcome to Third Tri!

  • How far along? 28 Weeks 
  • Total weight gain: 34 lbs
  • Maternity clothes?  yep
  • Stretch marks? None new that I have noticed. 
  • Sleep: I really don't have any issues when it comes to sleep. 
  • Best moment this week:  Passed my GTT! 
  • Miss Anything? Dairy! I have decided to give it up starting in 3rd Tri due to LC being MSPI
  • Movement: I am starting to feel more which makes me feel better
  • Food cravings: I don't really belive in cravings
  • Food aversions: I wish!!
  • Gender: He is still a boy according to our US yesterday
  • Labor Signs: Nope.
  • Symptoms: Back pain, gas, and horrible heartburn!!
  • Belly Button in or out? Out, and it has been out since about 18 weeks this time
  • Wedding rings on or off? Off since about 22 weeks 
  • Looking forward to: Nothing specific that I can think of. 

I had two appointments yesterday, and both of them went well. The first was my initial appointment/GTT at the new practice that I am now going to. I got to meet my doctor who seems pretty straight forward and nice at the same time. I appreciate that. I don't need someone who will blow smoke up my ass, but I don't need you to deliver news to me without an ounce of compassion either. So, while I haven't heard officially that I passed my GTT I haven't heard otherwise so I'm assuming I'm safe. I would think they would want someone to know right away if they failed. 

Random thought here - I think it's crazy how different offices do the GTT test. In VA I drank the drink at home, came in and had my blood drawn, and if I failed, I did the three hour test. 
This time, I just did the three hour test. Which, since my babysitter fucking bailed on me Wednesday night at 6pm, sucked! 

My second appointment was with my MFM for another growth ultrasound. Baby boy seems to be doing well and is still measuring a bit ahead, but not as much as last time. They estimate his weight to be about 2lbs. I will go back in 4 weeks for another one so I'm excited to see how much he will have grown. 

LC was stuck with me all day yesterday and I honestly felt bad for him. He had to sit and be pretty much still at the doctors office for three hours, then get in a car and ride for an hour, sit through another appointment, and then another hour ride home. That's a lot to ask of a two year old and honestly, I think he did pretty good. Since we have been re-introducing dairy to him and he's tolerating it well, I got him a milkshake to enjoy on the ride home. I will now be cleaning his car seat, but I don't care. He deserved it, and he thoroughly enjoyed it! 


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Everyday I struggle with things to do with LC outside of the house so that we are not sitting at home every day bored out of our minds. One thing I heard about when I moved back home was this thing called Sing-A-Long with St.eve. Every Tuesday this little coffee shop in town host a childrens hour where one of the owners plays the guitar and sings songs for the children, and then reads them a book. We have been going sporadically since we moved here in January and LC hasn't really taken to it. Generally he sits on my lap while the other children sing and dance around. When he gets bored, he will then take off running back and forth through the cafe while my big fat pregnant ass dodges customers, tables, and chairs running after him.
Well today was different! He only sat on my lap for about 5 minutes total, and he actually got on the floor close to the other children during the "story time". Okay not really on the mat, but pretty close!

Friday, February 21, 2014

LCs Vocabulary

Ever since I started staying home with LC I have convinced myself that he is not learning enough being home with me. That was always my fear when he was a baby also and I initially debated staying home with him. I don't think that he is learning all that he should be. I would love to start some sort of "school lessons" with him daily, but we have literally been in our house one month today and so far we just haven't had the time. I really am going to try to start that next week. I'll make sure to post about how it goes. Anyway, even with our lack of educational activities, I am thoroughly impressed with his vocabulary. He will be 2 next month and he uses at least 200 words on a regular basis.
LC is my first child, so I don't know if this is normal or not, but I know that he says more words and speaks more clearly than 90% of the children his age we have met since I have started to stay home with him. At his daycare, all of the children seemed to be on the same level. Well, there was one little girl at his daycare who ran circles around all the other children when it came to speaking and vocabulary but his teachers assured me (and several other parents) she was an anomaly.
This is just my observation. It means nothing, but it does make me wonder if being home with this next one will delay his development. What if  I'm not as good for my children educationally as a daycare center would be.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


It's been so long since I've updated I don't know where to begin. There hasn't been a lot that has gone on, but I feel like a lot has happened. In a nutshell, I am still pregnant, we moved half-way across the country, and I am now a stay at home mom (SAHM).

I can't say that I have had the easiest time adjusting to all of this. Our move for one was horrible. I thought it would be easier for LC and I to fly and for Mr. P and my FIL to drive. Well, LC and I got stuck in Chicago, had to stay overnight at the airport, I ran out of diapers and the airport was sold out!! Seriously, how does that happen?? I ended up asking anyone I saw with a toddler who looked LC's age if they had any extra. 

We had to fly into another city and take a two hour shuttle to get home. We finally got home and my luggage didn't arrive. I didn't have a lot with me (except my diaper bag) because I had the stroller and car seat with me in the airport. While I was in the airport I hated having the car seat, but I'm so glad I didn't check it because I wouldn't have been able to get LC on the shuttle since our bags flew into our original destination and they didn't arrive anyway! The only bright spot of my trip (besides finally arriving safely) was that my sister was flying during this time also and she also got stuck in Chicago for a couple of hours.

We stayed with my parents until we closed on our house mid January and we moved into our first home about a month ago. Life has been good, but it's been a struggle for me. I am so bad at managing my time and for the first two weeks I had absolutely no patience with LC. It's getting better day by day, but it's still hard.

I LOVE being with him all day, but I don't feel like he's learning all that he needs to be and should be. I also feel like I have become domestic help and not really a true partner. I know that may sound stupid, but I sometimes feel like a maid more than a wife.

I just posted pics of my growing belly, and I will update more with what's going on with my pregnancy.