Sunday, May 22, 2011

What a Wonderful Weekend

Mr. P and I had such a wonderful weekend. Friday night we went to see The new Pirates of the Caribbean (sp) movie, Saturday we went golfing, and then today I had a spa day. It was so relaxing and nice to just spend the weekend doing stuff we enjoy and spending time together. I guess it was more relaxing for me since Mr. P didn't go to the spa, but I had a great weekend!

 I am on day three of stims right now and I'm feeling good. For some reason I have a really good feeling about this cycle. Much better than I did for IVF #1. I don't know if it's because of the shared risk and know that we will have tries left after this, or if its just because I'm in a better place now then I was for IVF #1. Whatever the reason, I am feeling really good about things right now and for that I am thankful!

My first follie check is on Wednesday. That is also the day that we have our next resolve meeting. Mr. P thinks that this should be our last meeting. I don't know. I think it will depend on how this cycle goes. If it is a BFN, I might want the support of the meetings again. I really like having a place to talk about things, but our group leader seems a bitter. It's nice to talk to her because she has been helpful in finding ways to express my feelings to Mr. P (she is a licenses social worker with her MSW), but at the same time she always compares her IVF cycle to mine. Its really weird. Mr. P doesn't think she is ready to lead a support group, but who knows. I guess we'll see how Wednesday goes and decide from there.

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