Friday, May 27, 2011

Holy CM Batman!

There are quite a few things I remember from IVF #1 that prepared me for IVF#2. I remember the enema, I remember being uncomfortable the morning of the ER. I remembered how much the Menopur burned, I remembered how much I spotted while on BCP's, and I remembered how my face broke out so bad that I looked like I belonged in a high school freshman English class. What I don't remember is having this much CM!
I honestly have so much CM that I feel like I am peeing on myself ALL DAY LONG! I do NOT remember this from last time. I remember having CM for like a day or two, but it wasn't this bad. It was more prominent than a natural cycle but nothing like this. I finally had to start wearing a liner. This doesn't help the feeling of me peeing on myself, but at least my clothing is staying dry this way. 

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