Mr. P and I are trying to get me pregnant, and we have been in the kitchen a long time trying to make this dough. We started almost three years ago and in that time I have tried all sorts of home remedies like eating pineapple core, drinking green tea, taking mucinex, I could go on. This time last year, we were even going through intrauterine inseminations to try to conceive (TTC). Well none of that has worked. So, right now we are back to trying it the good ole' fashioned way until we either succeed on making that bun, or figure out what direction we want to take next. So, one of the methods that we use to track my cycle is the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor (CBEFM), and I occasionally chart on Fertility Friend. Sunday night I had a feeling that I was getting close to ovulating so I told Mr. P that we would have to figure something out for this week. Well as I hobbled to the bathroom today I decided that I would try the monitor to see where I am in my cycle. What do you know, I got a peak. So this tonight will be "sexy time" however instead of wearing this....

I will be wearing this.....

Sexy time isn't going to be so sexy.
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