Saturday, October 16, 2010

Overly Exposed

That is the only way I can even describe how I fee right now. Overly Exposed. Today is the third day after my operation and I am still relying heavily on Mr. P. He is doing almost everything for me. I can feed myself and take myself to the bathroom, and that is about it. He is fixing my meals, he is giving me baths, he is getting my medications for me, and he is running my errands for me. I can't really say that it bothers me that I have to rely on Mr. P, but I can say that it bothers me to be so exposed. As dumb as this may sound, I feel like a boundary has been crossed in what Mr. P is supposed to see and know about me. While I may be taking myself to the bathroom now, two days ago I wasn't. Mr. P has now been exposed to that. To make matters worse, quess which lovely relative is in town? That's right, Aunt Flo!
I know this is stupid because I am married to him and your husband will see you these ways throughout your marriage, but I never anticipated that would happen before I was giving birth to our child. I feel stupid even thinking it, but this is not how I want my husband to see me. In fact, I can't even imagine how he can look at me in a sexual way again after what he has been exposed to this week.

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