So I know that we have all heard this before, but that doesn't necessarilly mean that we actually paid attention to it prior to getting married. Or, maybe you were like me in that you never really got the chance to met your SO family prior to getting married. Because I can guarantee that had I spent enough time around Mr. P's sister before we got married that he might have grown to dislike me due to my constant shit talking about her. In fact, it's not just her, it's kinda his own family. I understand how crappy I sound right now, but I honestly feel like I have good reason not to like them! It's not even something like I can't get along with his family, we get along great. I just don't like the way they treat my SIL like she is the best thing since sliced bread, and yet Mr. P is just there. The problem with that, Mr. P is by far the best thing since sliced bread in that family, and I'm not even just saying that because I'm married to him. I would love to go into detail after detail of what my SIL does that makes her such a douche, but I know that she will give me plenty of oppurtunity as I continue to blog so I will just talk about the instance that is behind this whole post.
I tore my achilles about two weeks ago and just had surgery last week. As much as I hate to admit it, this is a pretty bad injury that is going to require a lot of rehab, physical therapy, and resting with my leg up. Mr. P's family knows this. Mr. P's birthday is at the end of the month. We were supposed to be going home to my parents house at the end of the month, but due to my injury there is no way that I would make in on an airplane that far that soon. That trip was cancelled. So, SIL decided that she wants everyone to come to her house that weekend and really wants Mr. P and myself to come. SIL lives four hours away.
Here are the things that bother me. SIL and her husband have been to our house two times EVER!! Mr. P's parents, three times. We always drive there. Untill last year, we lived 14 hours away. We still drove there three times a year at least, and flew in at least 3 times a year as well. We have invited them down numerous times since we have been closer, and we have way more space at our house than they do. We have turned down one invitation to their house ever. ONE!
Don't you think that under the circumstance of me being injured and it being the weekend of Mr. P's birthday that they could make the four hour trek here? Is that so unreasonable? In my opinion it is completely selfish of his sister. She won't come. It's more "convenient" for her to have us come there. Wow, that is all I can say, is wow. Mr. P, as nice as he is, is feeling guilty that we can't/aren't going up there. I just think it's pretty rude of her to not consider anyone else but herself and her family in this. If it was even close to even on how many times we travel to each others houses, I could see. But on this trip, I'm putting my good foot down.