It really just amazes me how much LC changes and how fast these changed occur. I think back to how he was exactly one year ago and I just can’t believe he has changed so much in a year. He has learned to talk, walk, run, be devious, and grown so independent, all while staying the light of our lives.
LC has started to put two words together in order to form “sentences”. This just started this past weekend, and all he says is “daddy truck” for daddy’s truck. It’s cute. But the amount of stuff that little boy knows is amazing. Yesterday morning I dropped him off at school and when I did I told him to go sit by Brooke (a little girl in his class), and he did. This morning I told him not to take his shoes off so he does, and then says “mommy” and shows me with his little devious smile. Every day I am truly amazed by how sponge like he is and everything he is learning.
We have also started potty training LC. I know that many people think it’s way too early for him to be potty training, but I disagree. Back in the 50’s most children were potty trained by 18 months and it wasn’t until disposable diapers came around that children started training later and later. We aren’t stupid, we know that LC won’t be trained in a month, or even two, but we feel that by starting him off early and going slowly we will have it done by hopefully June or July. Since his DC isn’t interested in helping us train him, right now we are just taking him to the potty before bath time. We started this right around the time he turned 18 months and so far he has gone four or five times. That may not sound like much, but we have to start somewhere. Once we have that somewhat mastered, we will start going first thing in the morning.