Thursday, March 28, 2013

We Have a Walker

LC is officially walking! He took his first steps on March 16th. He took about three in a row towards Mr. P. Then he didn't really do anything for a couple of days. On his birthday, the 19th, he started taking five steps in a row. Since the 19th, he's been taking five steps towards something here and there, but mostly if we positioned him. Now he taking off on his own and walking from one objective to the next.
It is so cute to see him toddling about. He is just so tiny and so proud of himself. It's also amazing to see how excited he gets with his new found freedom. I love it.

I think we are moving. Again.

The house we are living in now is just too far from where we work. I had to get up at 3:30 this morning so I could get in by 6:00. Of course I was late because seriously, who can get up and get moving at 3:30 in the morning? Not this girl! Since we are just renting we are looking into paying out our lease and moving. I'm going to be happy to get closer to work, but I'm nervous about changing LC's daycare. I think the place he goes right now is a good fit for our family. They are good with LC and he seems to enjoy it there. I know a lot of the staff and their turnover is pretty low which says a lot in that kind of environment.

There is no center that I have found that is even accredited in this area. I am not saying that LC HAS to go to an accredited center, but I would rather him go to an accredited center where I know there is a curriculum. I don’t know, maybe that’s stupid, but it would make me feel better.  I totally think this is the working mommy guilt in me coming out. It’s as if I feel like if he is going to be away from me, he has to be at some private hoighty toighty daycare where they are grooming him to attend Harvard.

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