Friday, December 17, 2010

Met with our RE today

We had our appointment with our RE today. Mr. P dropped me off then went to park. 15 minutes later he comes into the office. Apparently he got lost. WOW!! We actually didn't see Dr. R. today which shocked me because that is who we usually see and that is who I made the appointment with. I have seen Dr. T before, I just wasn't expecting to see him. Both Mr. P and I feel that he is a bit weird, but we also both agreed that he seemed pretty normal today. Well, I had a plan in my mind of what I wanted to happen when I went in to see Dr. R today. Obviously, my plan didn't start off well from the beginning as I didn't even see Dr. R. Dr. T looked over our chart and talked about our IUI's and the results of all of our work up test. He said that the only reason he could see that we weren't pregnant was due to the low morp, but he still didn't believe that the morp alone was poor enough to cause the problem.
He asked what we wanted to do and I told him that I really wanted to try one more IUI before we moved on and I explained why, because I'm afraid of IVF. He explained that he wasn't opposed to us doing another IUI, but told us that our chances would be about 15 - 20% with IUI, and 50% with IVF. He addressed all my concerns about IVF and went over the whole process. He answered all of our questions and then asked us again what we thought. This is where I about fainted. Mr. P, said that he felt that we should move on to IVF. I agreed. Dr. T, feeling that it is the most successful treatment also agreed, and that's where we are.
Our biggest obstacle now is making sure of the coverage that we have. I have spoken with our insurance and gotten approval for infertility treatment but I'm worried about the criteria we have to meet for IVF coverage. Our insurance wants us to do three IUI's before moving on to IVF and we have, we just did them with our old insurance. The insurance coordinator for their office is going to check into all of this and find out for us. I guess this could be a minor setback, but there is not point stressing over it now since we can't do anything about it.
We were going to start the BCP today, but our insurance said we needed to do CD3 BW so we have to wait till my next period starts. Surprisingly, Mr. P was a bit upset by this. I just don't understand how he can go from not feeling like we need help getting pregnant to feeling that we should not try IUI again and got to IVF so quickly. Really, I don't get it. So, this is our journey. I have told my sisters and my mom about what we are doing. I don't know how supportive they are, or what all I will tell them about our journey, but at least they know what I will be going through. I guess that's it for now.

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